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Kamis, 27 November 2014

The Most Simple Method to Test Formalin in Foods or Beverages Products

Formaldehyde is a toxic material that can kill bacteria and viruses as well as damage human cells. Food manufacturers sometimes add Formaldehyde to foods such as fish, meats, milk, noodles meats, etc to extend its shelf-life. Many ordinary foods naturally contain small amounts of Formaldehyde however, excess Formaldehyde has been reported in many foods.

Although adding formaldehyde to foods is forbidden in many countries, some manufacturers still add it in particular if the food is expected to stay unrefrigerated for a while. Consumers of foods need to know if they contain excessive and dangerous amounts of formaldehyde. Inspectors of food need to know if formaldehyde was added purposely and illegally to the food.

Excess exposure to formaldehyde is known to increase the possibilty of cancer and also cause breathing difficulties.  Women in the early stages of pregnancy are also highly sucectible to exposure to Formaldehyde, as it is suspected to cause birth defects and other complications with early child development.

Avaliable Product for Formalin (Formaldehyde) Screening Test

CV. ET Group has developed simple but ingenious testing technology that would come in handy for consumers to detect formalin contamination in foods. Applying chemistry science to food testing methods, has come up with a formaldehyde test kit that gives quick, clearly visible results enabling users to learn right away whether foods or beverages contain harmful amounts of this much-abused substance.

The "Easy Test" test kit is inexpensive and convenient for on-site test. Testing procedures are also simple. It requires no sophisticated equipment, sample preparation or special skills.

Though highly specific for formaldehyde, this device only reacts when the substance are present at levels considered hazardous to health.

When this happens, the test strip changes from colorless. It produces no color changes though when formaldehyde contents are at levels occurring naturally.

Formalin contamination in foods has been a major problem for the food industry in Indonesia or others Asia countries. Formalin, a solution of formaldehyde 37% by mass in water, is used as an embalming agent to temporarily preserve corpses.

However, the chemical has been widely misused to preserve freshness of vegetables, fruits meats and seafood. High concentrations of formaldehyde in foods are toxic and harmful to health. Formaldehyde with concentrations up to 100 ppm can be found naturally in different types of foods.

While human body can get rid of formaldehyde at certain levels, the doses of formalin used as preservatives usually exceed the body's capacity to purge it and its residue in the body could pose danger to consumers' health.

Thus the test kit is designed to detect formaldehyde contamination  with minimal detection 3 ppm when its concentrations are above a threshold of safety.

This is the most simple procedure to test formalin (formaldehyde) even you don't have any laboratory skill.

More info and order contact please call us at +6285310135381 or +6285779721597 or email at or


We are provides a reagent (chemical solution) or test kit for rapid analysis of certain materials including Formalin Test Kit, Methanil Yellow Test Kit, Borax (Boraks) Test Kit, Rhodamine B Test Kit, and many others kind of food security test kit. Our product merck is "Easy Test Kit" and we have produce and distribute this products in 2009 and there is many customers have been used our products. More info and order contact please call us at +6285310135381 or +6285779721597 or email at or A lot of information about Easy Test Kit Product can you read detail at Easy Test Kit Website OR Test Kit Shop and a lot of information on the use of hazardous banned additives in Indonesia can read details on THIS LINK.

More info and order contact please call us at +6285310135381 or +6285779721597 or email at or

Tag: dangerous food additive, food safety info, food additives, additives info, dangger additives, health info, formalin, boraks, methanil yellow, rhodamine b, test kit, rapid analysis


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